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    Do you believe that chiropractors should have Injectable Nutrition Rights *

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    Are you interested in getting involved in advancing our laws? *

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    Membership Dues Payment Buttons

    Membership Fees:

    Membership is free for the first year for all FL DC’s and then there is a $99 annual dues fee.

    Membership Volunteer

    Suggested amount Membership Volunteer Lobby/Legislative  Dues: 99+25=124

    Out of State Voluntary Dues

    Your donation will help us in our quest to expand your rights. The entire nation is watching us now. Tens of thousands of DCs are thinking about what we represent and if they should join us; and they are.

    If you want to pay by check please make it payable to:

    FCPA mailing address:

    2225 NW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, FL 33993

    Note: Please let us know when you send a check